Current Career Opportunities Available in Alabama, Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas & Virginia

We all experience times in our lives when flexibility in our jobs is important. Perhaps you have young children and need the freedom to change your schedule when day care plans fall apart. Maybe you prefer flexible work hours in order to care for an aging parent or pursue other interests. Whatever the reason may be, having this option can provide better balance between our family and work lives, and contribute to high morale and commitment to the employer.

If you are nurse or a professional with a background in psychology, social work, or gerontology, a career in care management offers flexible hours and the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of older adults and people with disabilities. Assessing a client’s needs, locating the right resources and most appropriate level of care, and helping clients successfully transition to different living situations are just a few examples of what care managers do on a daily basis.

For many families, navigating the healthcare system is confusing enough. It may be the first time they have been in a caregiving situation. And when a family member is in crisis, it can be even more difficult to make decisions or know where to turn. Care managers can relieve this stress and provide:

  • Advocacy, support, and expert guidance for clients and families coping with the challenges of aging, chronic illness, and disability
  • Help for clients and their families to find the resources that best meet their needs, including home care services, referrals to legal and financial services, state and federal entitlement programs, and more
  • Problem-solving around in-home as well as long-distance caregiving concerns
  • Assistance as an objective third party to help families resolve conflicts and issues concerning care
  • Education and coaching for family members on dementia and other chronic illnesses, and what to expect

With an estimated 10,000 Baby Boomers turning 65 every day, the need for geriatric care management services is likely to increase exponentially. As a care manager, you can use your skills in a rewarding and meaningful way to improve the quality of life for an aging adult or person with disabilities.

Check out our Careers Page.

As an objective third party, care managers can help families resolve conflict and issues concerning care for an aging loved one or a family member with disabilities. They are proactive problem-solvers and their work makes a difference. Sound interesting? Want to learn more? If interested please contact Brittany Fortmayer, HR Recruiter, by phone at 228-467-5900, or via e-mail at You can review our careers page on our web site at


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